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Building bridges with Art by sharing journeys.

06 November - 12 December 2021


donderdag t/m zondag 13.00-17.00 uur


Small Odysseys enables artistic exchange, promotes artists, exchanges experiences and practices and builds bridges between cultures. By sharing personal stories it connects artistically.

Albert van Abbehuis is hosting 34 artists from Greece and The Netherlands from the 6th of  November until the 12th  of December. Over 150 art pieces will be exhibited and the exhibition is accompanied with a program which opens the topic of Small Odysseys to a larger audience.


The exhibition at AVA Albert van Abbehuis will be the first exhibition of a double exhibition - the second exhibition will be taking place in Thessaloniki at the Old Archaeological Museum, which is also know as the Yeni Mosque, from the 11th of March until the 30th of April 2022. This will build the counter side of the cultural bridge.



Small Odysseys



Marina Provatidou
Artist, Project Ideator and Curator

karkatselis vasilis photogravure (1).JPG
01 Dark clouds in Summer hr.jpg

Mariëlle van den Bergh, Dark Clouds in

Lisetteh, "david's walk"

Vasilis Karkatselis, Untitled

Program during exhibition

During the exhibition highlights are created to make it possible for everyone to relate to the exhibition. 

Nov 6, 13.00 Exhibition Opening for public
Dutch and Greeks artist will be present and can tell you more details about their journey and process.

Nov 6, 14.00  Demonstration Photo Etching – Giorgos Pallis  
Hands on demonstration on the process and struggles while photo etching 

Nov 7, 13.30 - 14.30 Portraits of women, surviving human traffickers by Niki Roupani


Nov 7, 15.00 - 17.00 Poezië Middag by PoetryClub Eindhoven 
The spoken pieces will relate to the exhibition, artists, and / or art pieces

Nov 14 14.00 - 15.00 Bekend maakt Bemind: in conversation with refugees, guests will be Hasan en Erik Kuipers van Vluchtelingenwerk


Nov 19, 19.00 - 20.30 ONLINE presentation - A beautiful journey presentation
by Gemenetzis Konstantinos

Nov 21, 16.00  Lecture, Breaking the silence, the Holocaust memorialization in Thessaloniki by Historian Renna Elfrink


Nov 27, 14.00  Book Reading for children (+5 years) Odysseus myth for children in English, Greek and Dutch


Dec 12, 14.00 Closing Event of the exhibition
Keynote by Sandra Schindler, Intercultural Communications Expert from InterCulturas, followed by Small Odysseys Panel Conversation with artists

Albert van Abbehuis

Bilderdijklaan 19

5611 NG Eindhoven




Donderdag  13.00 - 17.00 uur

Vrijdag          13.00 - 17.00 uur

Zaterdag      13.00 - 17.00 uur

Zondag        13.00 - 17.00 uur​​​​

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